iNAP Sleep Therapy System
Sleep well, wherever you are.
iNAP 負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置


無需面罩 減輕束縛

口袋尺寸 輕巧好攜

近乎無聲 一夜好眠

電池驅動 長效節能

APP連動 智慧監測
iNAP One
iNAP One 利用負壓牽引口腔軟組織,維持舌顎後方呼吸道通暢,使患者可以自然呼吸,達到治療阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症(OSA)目的。產品透過軟質舒適的口部介面傳遞負壓,主機輕巧僅約手機大小,採鋰電池供電,易於攜帶且近乎無聲運轉,提高OSA患者治療的便利性與福祉。
iNAP ONE擁有多國專利,並獲得德國iF Design及義大利A’ Design設計獎殊榮,並已取得台灣TFDA、美國FDA及歐盟CE等上市許可。
Medical device certification
iNAP One (NP-R07-B/P) :
CE certificated medical device (Class IIa)
Singapore HSA Medical device Registered : DE0502677
Malaysia Medical device certification : GB88527353317
Hong Kong Medical Devices List : HKMD No. 190095
iNAP Lite
有別於陽壓呼吸器(CPAP)令不少患者為之卻步的面罩束縛,iNAP Lite採非面罩式設計,使用者只需配戴軟質的口部介面,大幅提升療程舒適度。
iNAP Lite尺寸輕巧,僅約口袋大小,主機及儲液槽為分離式設計,以鹼性電池供電,輕便好攜帶。透過創新技術與設計,iNAP Lite讓治療不因旅行、出差等原因而中斷,提高患者治療的便利性與福祉。
Medical device certification
iNAP Lite (NP-R03-K) :
CE certificated medical device (Class IIa)
Taiwan Medical Devices Registration : MOHW-MD 006011
Singapore HSA Medical device Registered : DE0502677
Malaysia Medical device certification : GB88527353317
Hong Kong Medical Devices List : HKMD No. 190095
iNAP sleep therapy system and/or the use thereof in a method may be covered by one or more U.S. and/or foreign patents, including: US 7,918,222, US 8,567,406, US 8,616,208, US 9,138,342, US 9,387,117, US 9,339,620, US 10,080,855, US 10,149,782, US 10,149,783, US 10,159,595, US 10,166,140, US 8,122,889, US 8,656,922, US 8,667,970, US 9,241,825, US 9,655,768, US 8,505,540, US 9,610,190, US 8,074,656, US 8,122,890, US 8,701,672, US 8,387,620, US 9,387,118, US 9,387,119, US 10,117,773, US 8,402,973, US 8,573,223, US 8,979,823, US 9,549,795, US 9,101,495, US 9,375,541, US 9,763,759, US 9,483,792, US 15,376,368, EP 1862152, EP 2301490, EP 2347739, EP 2353555, EP 2868298, EP 2943170, EP 3095421, EP 2881090, EP 2209433, EP 2939634, EP 2605722, EP 0029004490001 RCD, EP 0029004490002 RCD, DE 2015121115024300, JP 5399534, JP 5727574, JP 5651488, JP 6002798, JP 6242914, JP 6346997, JP 6357573, JP 5404642, JP 5952817, JP 5944928, KR 10-1636436-0000, KR 10-1661639-0000, AU 2014205191, AU 2015399751, VN 3-2016-00928, VN 3-2016-00929, ID A00201601834, ID A00201601835, SG 30201602584Y, SG 30201602585X, TH 1602002134, TH 1602002135, IN 283925, IN 283926, CN 100506190, CN 102028574, CN 102133141, CN 102144946, CN 103989550, CN 103976814, CN 104000680, CN 104519841, CN 104540480, CN 104427958, CN 106170272, CN 205494125, CN 101917924, CN 103687568, CN 103140192, CN 103717181, and CN 201721828424.2. Other U.S. and foreign patent applications are pending. Other U.S. and foreign patent applications are pending. This page is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).